February becomes April

This error Delays Oneplus Sales by Two Months

The unfortunate typo on the back of the Oneplus Watch 3 means its sales start is now in April instead of the planned February.


Someone at Oneplus has made the fateful mistake of misspelling the text "Made in China". On the watch, it instead says "Meda in China". Therefore, Oneplus now announces that the sales launch for the watch, which was supposed to happen yesterday, 25 February, is postponed indefinitely. 

It is not known how extensive the error is, that is, whether it affects all manufactured watches or just a small part. When the error was noticed, Oneplus initially downplayed the consequences. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, we were informed that the error was unintentional and that customers could choose either to keep the watch they bought and enjoy the fact that it was a very limited, unique edition, or to send it back to the manufacturer. 

Has extensive consequences

It is now clear that Oneplus is postponing the sales launch of the watch to April. No date has been set, but Oneplus promises to return when it has been decided. 

This suggests that the error affects a larger part or the entire manufactured edition. And Oneplus is therefore not willing to sell these watches with the spelling error. 

The previously initiated pre-order that has opened continues until the sales launch with various offers. For example, it is possible to get a pair of headphones included and to lower the price with various coupons and discounts. 

Although Oneplus has not confirmed a sales start date in its communication, 24 April is currently the estimated delivery date if you order a watch directly from Oneplus today.