Use BankID within the EU
Swedish e-identification BankID aims for whole of Europe
The e-identification BankID has been approved for use in foreign e-services within the EU.
Now it becomes easier for Swedes to identify themselves in public e-services within the EU. At the turn of the year, BankID was published in the EU's official journal for electronic identification, EU official journal.
It was on behalf of BankID that the Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) last autumn made a notification to make it possible for Swedes to use BankID in foreign authorities' e-services. The notification has now been approved, which means that foreign authorities have one year to enable the use of the approved e-identification in their public digital services, but it often goes faster than that.
According to EU regulations, it is mandatory for public authorities within the EU/EEA to allow identification with all e-identifications that have gone through the notification process.