Different sizes and e-sim

Smaller size and with esim: Oneplus on plans for upcoming smartwatches

Despite much praise for the Oneplus Watch 3, the company has some changes underway, with the first one already this year.


Oneplus has received much praise for its latest smartwatch, the Oneplus Watch 3, not least for its battery life. However, there have been some comments about its size, but this is something the company says it will address later.

In an interview with the publication PULSE by Wareable, Dr. Leo Zhang, head of R&D at OnePlus Health Lab, noted that they are working on a smaller and lighter OnePlus Watch, which will be launched later this year. "It is true that the [46mm OnePlus Watch 3] is still heavy for a small wrist and that this usually affects women, but we will fix it this year," says Zhang.

Considering the statement that it will be fixed this year, it could be a question of a Oneplus Watch 3R sometime this summer.

In the same interview, Zhang also commented on the lack of an LTE option with e-sim in North America and Europe. "The technology is not a problem, that part is quite simple," Zhang explained. "In China's home market, we have an LTE version. In a foreign market, we have to cooperate with the operators - and that is a big obstacle."

Zhang continued to tell the site that they are also working on adding LTE by talking to operators, "especially in Europe."