Safer can no one be

New organisation aims to make the internet safer

A new organisation consisting of major tech companies aims to make the internet safer for children.


Several leading technology companies, including Discord, Google, OpenAI, and Roblox, have come together to establish the non-profit organisation Robust Open Online Safety Tools (Roost). The organisation's primary goal is to enhance user safety and security on the internet, especially for children.

Together, they will develop a range of tools that can be used to make various internet services safer. These tools will be free and available to companies and organisations that wish to implement them in their own platforms and operations.

In a press release, Roost emphasises that the ever-changing landscape of online safety, particularly in today's environment with generative AI, requires new and accessible solutions. The organisation will offer free, open-source, and easy-to-use tools to detect, review, and report material such as child sexual abuse material (CSAM). They will also use large language models (LLM) to improve the security infrastructure and make core security technologies more accessible and user-friendly.

Roost will have technical teams offering practical support to organisations to help them integrate robust security measures while continuing to be innovative.

On its website, Roost writes that many companies struggle to meet basic child safety needs because existing tools are either expensive, difficult to implement, or only partially offer solutions. Now Roost wants to work to reduce the digital safety gap.

In addition to the founders, there are also partners such as Microsoft, Wikipedia Foundation, Mozilla, Bluesky, and others.