Now it is decided

Date official when Tele2 and Telenor will shut down the 3G network: Late 2025

After a long phase-out period, there is now a date for when Tele2 and Telenor will shut down the old mobile networks.

The operator Telenor announces that the company Net4Mobility, co-owned with Tele2, has now set a date for when the old 3G network will be shut down, and it will be on 1 December 2025. The old 2G network will also be shut down then. 

In a press release, it is stated that “Information and preparations for the shutdown have been ongoing for many years, and now the final date, 1 December, is approaching. Most people already use modern phones and other connected equipment that works with 4G and 5G. Therefore, most will not be affected by the shutdown.” 

However, they urge everyone who does not know whether they or someone close to them will be affected to contact the company where they are a customer. It is also advisable to review old mobiles and other equipment, such as alarm systems, to see if they will be affected. 

According to Net4Mobility, their network currently covers more than 99.9 percent of the population, and they are working on further expanding the network.